Representing you in the Victorian Parliament

Bilinda Kockaya Bilinda Kockaya

New School Bus Routes

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (13:04): I recently joined the Minister for Public and Active Transport and the foundation principal of the fantastic Greenvale Secondary College, Mr. Mark Natoli, to announce two brand new school bus…

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Ella Gvildys Ella Gvildys

Inaugural Greenvale Young Leaders Awards

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (14:54): The inaugural Greenvale Young Leaders Awards recognise young people in my community who have demonstrated exceptional public service and a deep commitment to …

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Ella Gvildys Ella Gvildys

Arterial Road Maintenance and Illegal Dumping

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (14:43): (431) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Could the minister please inform me and my constituents in Greenvale how the Victorian government is investing in arterial road maintenance across my electorate and working to tackle the scourge of illegal dumping of rubbish on roadside verges?

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Bilinda Kockaya Bilinda Kockaya

Republic of Türkiye Centenary

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (19:03): (402) My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, and the action I seek is for the minister to inform me how the Victorian government’s $200,000 investment will assist our state’s Turkish community to celebrate the centenary of the Republic of Türkiye this week

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Bakhdida Tragedy

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (19:06): (374) My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Multicultural Affairs. It relates to the recent tragedy at a wedding in the city of Bakhdida…

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Hume Indoor Cricket Centre

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (13:06):I was delighted to join my friend and neighbour the Minister for Community Sport at the new $10.8 million Hume indoor cricket centre…

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Mickleham Road Upgrade

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (13:06): Rapid progress is being made on the $220 million stage 1 Mickleham Road upgrade in my electorate of Greenvale. This transformational…

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Greenvale Electorate Cultural Events

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (09:58): It is a pleasure to rise to update the house on a very busy few weeks in and around Greenvale. Last Friday I was really grateful to join with the Minister for Corrections and member for Northern Metropolitan in the other place and the federal member for Calwell at St George Chaldean Catholic Parish community centre.

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Kolbe Catholic College

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (19:03): (282) My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Veterans, and the action I seek is for the minister…

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Aitken College and Mickleham Road Upgrade

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (9:59): Works are proceeding at pace on the Stage 1 Mickleham Road Upgrade. As Greenvale residents and users of Mickleham Road know, this is a vital project that will deliver upgraded intersections, new lanes and safer, faster journeys.

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Roxburgh Park United Soccer Club

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (9:59): It was a tremendous pleasure to join so many young players and their families on Monday evening at Roxburgh Park United Soccer Club to watch the magnificent Matilda’s navigate their way to the knockout stages of the World Cup with a superb win over Canada.

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Bus Network Reforms

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (14:50): (249) My question is for the Minister for Public Transport. I am delighted the Andrews Labor government is delivering stage 1 of the Mickleham Road upgrade thanks to the advocacy of great local members like the member for Kalkallo over many years. It is a complex engineering project and an absolutely essential one to ensure safer and faster journeys for all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and bus passengers.

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Refugee Week

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (10:33): My community of Greenvale has a long and proud history of welcoming refugees escaping oppression…

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Roxburgh Park Primary School

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (19:11): (196) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education. The action I seek is for the minister to inform me how the Victorian government is supporting student wellbeing and equity to ensure that every child reaches their full potential, particularly students at Roxburgh Park Primary School in my electorate.

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Turabi Sahin Turabi Sahin

Budget 2023-24

Iwan Document WALTERS (Greenvale) (14:38): I rise to speak on the Andrews Labor government’s record investment in education across this great state and what it means for my community in Greenvale. The Treasurer has just delivered a responsible budget that is focused on the future of Victoria, and nothing is more central to that future and to the economic prosperity of every person and the wellbeing of every person than education. Education is what fires my passion for public policy and service, and it is at the core of this budget

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Sonay Kurt Sonay Kurt

Spirit of Anzac Prize

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (14:42): (135) My question is for the Minister for Veterans. Last week the minister and I had the pleasure of attending the Anzac eve dinner arranged by the Turkish sub-branch of the Victorian RSL and its indefatigable president Ramazan Altintas and vice-president Sucettin Unal.

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