Budget 2023-24

23 May, 2023

Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (14:38): I rise to speak on the Andrews Labor government’s record investment in education across this great state and what it means for my community in Greenvale. The Treasurer has just delivered a responsible budget that is focused on the future of Victoria, and nothing is more central to that future and to the economic prosperity of every person and the wellbeing of every person than education. Education is what fires my passion for public policy and service, and it is at the core of this budget. The budget includes a new $2 billion investment in schools across Victoria, building on the more than $12.8 billion that has been invested in school infrastructure since we came to government.

Today’s budget includes transformational investment in schools across my community. I am so pleased to confirm that this budget provides $10.5 million to Bethal Primary School – a comprehensive upgrade to support learners from incredibly diverse backgrounds – and $22.38 million to build the second stage of Greenvale Secondary College. The Liberals talked about a new school in Greenvale for 30 years, but this Labor government has delivered it, and I hope that the minister might be able to join me there very soon. We are also investing $5 million to deliver the next phase of Mary Queen of Heaven Primary School in Greenvale, an outstanding new school in my community that I was delighted to help open just last month. All this ensures that wherever parents choose to send their children they will be in world-class, first-rate educational facilities.


Roxburgh Park Primary School


Spirit of Anzac Prize