Meadow Heights Primary School

14 May, 2024

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Iwan WALTERS (Greenvale) (10:31): Thank you to the team at Meadow Heights Primary School, led by principal Margaret Leach, who provide extraordinary support every child and family. Thank you too to Salwa and the incredible Meadow Heights Primary School Community Hub, which plays such a positive role supporting families. I am so pleased that last week’s budget provides a major funding boost for our local community hubs and the vital work they do. Thank you, Treasurer. I was delighted to join the school community to celebrate Mother’s Day, and there was also huge excitement that Meadow Heights Primary will be receiving capital funding of $700,000 to upgrade student and staff toilets – a commitment that has been sought for a number of years. Thank you to our federal representative Maria Vamvakinou, the member for Calwell, for her tireless advocacy on behalf of Meadow Heights Primary and also to the Deputy Premier for working with his federal counterpart to secure this funding.


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